Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oh HELL no!

Just spent the past however long on the phone with Infatuation. The deal with him is this: apparently he's LIVING with some girl who's out of town this weekend. In addition, he thinks that FB is lame because he should have been on a plane Thursday to come see me. This is rich, as Infatuation and I have never met, although apparently he likes for me to be his safe fake mistress of some sort. At any rate, the point here is this. I apologize for not being a better hostess. And also, dude, boys are fools.

- Crazy


Hilaire said...

Jesus, that's tacky. Calling you when the GF's away. Don't people get how transparent they are??

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing. I'm "safe" as I'm 3000 miles away from him. He is darling, though. And was suitably irritated about the FB story, and that's really all that I require from him.

Hilaire said...

Is he from the blogworld?

Hilaire said...

not that I'm asking to know his ID, just wondering if that's where you know himi from, 3000 miles away and never having met...

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Indeed, he is from the blogworld. As is FB. Apparently, my favoritest boys enjoy Dr. Crazy before they ever know the real me.

Hilaire said...

Well, who doesn't? :)

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Oh, Hilaire, you're darling. But see, I'd really love it if somebody didn't know my online self and thought I was fabulous nonetheless. My location is part of the reason why that's an issue, but also, well, I feel like I'm for some reason scary to dudes in person at first meeting. This may be because I'm rude to dudes I don't know. If they meet me through Dr. Crazy, I tend to be nicer at the outset.

Hilaire said...

That's sad, in the sense of location. Because you're not meeting the dudes who are proximate. It would be good to combine what the blogging/writing lets you access, with the proximity.

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

It SO WOULD be good to have some geographic compatibility with a suitor. That said, thus far, this has not worked out, maybe because in my neck of the woods either guys a) got married at like 24 or b) are too freaked out by my degree. And thus, my long-distance suitors.

Hilaire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

you sure are picky considering the summer of love you had . . .

Dr. Crazy said...

Summer of love? Uhhhh..... I saw FB once in June. For like 3 days.

The high hopes that I had for a summer of love in May did not really materialize, tragically.