Friday, September 21, 2007

The Current Conversation between Crazy and Medusa

Medusa: What can we do to get people talking? I feel like they're expecting us to do something.

Crazy: I know. I'm not sure. If it were a class I would stare at them meaningfully and tell them that I'm not a television, but that doesn't seem appropriate here.

Medusa: We could just tell them the telephonic conversation we were just having, and they could just jump in and say anything they want to say, like how it happens at real parties.

Crazy: Well, that is an option, but I'm going to leave it to you to recount that conversation. I've been doing too much typing while you're busy cooking and talking to your puppalicious puppy.

Medusa (aside to Chalupa): I know! It's a party! It's a party on the phone and on the computer!

Crazy (thinking to herself): This is like how when I was feeling sorry for myself as a kid and my mom would derisively say, "Crazy had a party and nobody came!"

Medusa: And they should know that they should jump in in the comments and talk about whatever, for we are monitoring them closely.

Crazy: Yes, they should know that. Indeed, we would love to hear from the people who are watching. You know what this reminds me of? That party that we meant to go to for New Year's once and we drove up and noticed that there were only like four people there and we ended up just driving away and going to a bar instead. I sure hope people don't do that.

Updated, 7:50:

Ok, the delicious nachos are finally in the oven. So who's here? Introduce yourselves. I'll go first. As you know, my name is Medusa. I enjoy whiskey (though I am keeping to the Shiraz tonight, as whiskey makes me a. hilarious; b. belligerent; or c. in jail, and you never really know which way it's going to go), bassists, and 17th century poetry. You may know my friend of 10 years, Crazy. We are both Drs., but if you saw us in a bar you might say, "What kind of doctors are they?" I would say tonight we are Doctors of Fun. Three of my favorite Crazy quotes to various Lotharios in bars on nights out are: 1) "Why won't you just do what I want you to do?"; 2) "You don't know me, so you need to not touch me."; 3) "That's right. You don't know what kind of people we are."


Anonymous said...

Yay ! Party !
I'm a big fan of both of you and I really enjoy your party so far ...
Now I have to go back to my kitchen, there's a cute new guy preparing mojitos for me.

Hilaire said...

I'm watching! And wishing that I were drinking shiraz with you instead of working on picking the nits out of a grant application, while my annoying, visiting-from-out-of-town mother - who is AA, and therefore very much NOT a shiraz partner - snorts into the phone to her sister. My plans for tonight include going out to see Ballet Scary City, which promises to be...erm...So yeah, wishing for shiraz with y'all. And the nachos!!! My favourite bar and party food. I shall enjoy them vicariously. (The mother is on a stringent Herbal Magic regime, which means I am, by default...booooring...)

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Medusa and I recommend a hip flask :) Thanks for the comment, Hilaire!

(And there will be more of these, when your dear old mum isn't in town)

Anonymous said...

Well, Super Fan, Bring Cute Boy to the party as well! Mojitos are a worthy drink, and indeed, if I had the wherewithal to muddle, I might be enjoying one myself!

Anonymous said...

I refer to the Mojito as the Rufito - BE CAREFUL!

Anonymous said...

Still alive...

Anonymous said...

Excellent news, Super Fan! (By the way, do either I or Medusa know you by another neame? We're both dying to know who you are.... It's as if this little gathering is a masked ball of some sort!

Anonymous said...

No, you don't know me. I'm a silent reader an a non blogger for now (and I usually blog in French anyway). Let's keep it masquerade: I'll wear a nice pink dress, a cool mask and lime green puma shoes !

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Intriguing, Super Fan! That is a fabulous outfit!

BrightStar (B*) said...

"If it were a class I would stare at them meaningfully and tell them that I'm not a television, but that doesn't seem appropriate here.

Nice. I will totally poach this line and use it in the future.

Dr. Crazy and Dr. Medusa said...

Poach away, B*! Poach away!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I love the TV line as well... I started using it long ago when I had a large class in a small classroom. It was kind of like teaching in a movie theater, except the lights were on and nobody had popcorn... they would just kind of stare at me like I was on TV, so one day I said to them, "you know, this isn't TV, I can see you too!". That got them laughing and they actually spoke a little.